Dates Molasses Units
Stages of a working group, constitute the integrated unit for
The most important countries that Agha Pack company has implemented projects.
The company has implemented several projects in the Arab region, including large, medium and small, we recall some of the big projects:
Development policy
Contributed, dates canning factories and its derivatives, in the Middle East and North Africa, to open, local and international markets for the crop of dates, which is one of the richest agricultural crops in its components, which led to increased harvest dates, prices, at the local and global level, where many researchers stimulated for successful and safe investments, to invest in this crop, which won the admiration of consumers, who know the benefits of dates, through advertising campaigns, carried out by the investors, to expand sales sources, after the use of modern technology, in the treatment process of sterilization, washing and drying and canning suitable.
The company specializes in producing date processing and packaging equipment, as well as equipment for date derivatives (processing industries) that primarily rely on the date crop. Some of the equipment includes date syrup production equipment, date paste production equipment, date vinegar production equipment, and many other specialized equipment related to dates. Additionally, the company provides studies and solutions for date farm problems.
Stages of a working group, constitute the integrated unit for
An integrated production line for cutting, shaping, baking and packing